
Slender FX™ True Keto Shake


True Keto Chocolate Crème Shake delivers an exceptional macronutrient profile, perfect for the ketogenic diet. With healthy fat from MCT, protein from whole egg powder, and a low carbohydrate ratio, it delivers the necessary nutrition to meet your macronutrient goals. It also includes vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in a low-carb diet, to ensure optimal nutrition while on the keto plan.

Who it’s for: anyone following the Keto 90 Plan and seeking a natural way to sustain a low-carb diet without sacrificing taste.

What it does: provides a low-carb solution, while delivering essential nutrients that support a high fat diet including whole egg powder, whey protein, and essential nutrients while satisfying your taste buds.

What Sets This Product Apart? Unlike many low-carb shakes, this shake specifically targets individuals following a ketogenic diet with a healthy dose of high-quality fat and protein to meet the nutrient profile of a low carb, high fat diet. Plus, it includes an array of essential vitamins and minerals that may be lacking from a low carb diet.

Main Ingredients/Benefits 

Sweet Cream Powder A rich source of butterfat from heavy cream to add flavor and healthy fat needed to support a keto diet.
Whole Egg Powder An excellent source of vitamins, fat, and protein, whole egg powder contains all the nutrients of eggs to help support a healthy immune system, muscle building, and more.
Instant Whey Protein Delivers high-quality protein and essentials amino acids needed for muscle growth, enzyme function, supporting nerves & muscle contraction, and healthy hair, skin, and nails.
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCT) Medium-length chains of fats called triglyceride known to support weight loss, energy production, and ketone production.




Important for the breakdown of carbohydrates from foods into products the body needs. 1


Helps the body break down carbohydrates, proteins and, producing energy and allowing oxygen use in the body. 2
Vitamin A An essential vitamin your body needs but cannot produce, it may help boost energy levels. 3
Vitamin D Vital for making our muscles work efficiently and boosting energy levels. 4
Vitamin C Helps maintain our blood vessels, and plays key roles in energy production, and mood, skin, bone, and cartilage maintenance. 5

1 U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health

2 ScienceDirect, 2013

3 FASEB Journal, 2010

4 National Osteoporosis Foundation, 2016

5 Newcastle University, 2015


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