
90 Day Health Transformation System – Coaching Program – IFC

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The 90 Day Health Transformation System – Coaching Program Sessions:

Session 1. Understanding your Big Motivating Factor “Big MOFA” to make a life change! This coaching session helps you understand your “WHY” that stops you from achieving and motivating you to achieve your greatest human potential.

Session 2. Goals Setting. We help you build achievable goals to aid you in the 90-day transformation. Goals setting is the cornerstone of your change, achievement, and gaining the outcome you deserve, desire, and new lifestyle design.

Session 3. Cleanse Your Body and Educating Your Mind. The awesome benefit to The 90-Day Health Transformation Program is starting our 14-Day Cleanse, Understanding Nutrition, and Healthy Eating Habits Training, which has proven to help our clients lose weight and keep it off. We help you see all Food is FUEL for your body. However, most people see food as a thing of pleasure! It can be both; we need you to recognize it as Fuel so you will begin to understand the need to “Eat To Live and Not Live To Eat.”

Session 4. High Energy Foods. Assessment and training on what food give your energy -vs.- taking energy away. Start the 4-Day Energy Experiment and understand how to overcome the Blood Sugar Roller Coaster. Balancing your blood sugar is one of the most important health restoration and weight loss success tools. Equally, we teach you the importance of hydration in maintaining health and wellness during your healthy lifestyle journey.

Session 5. Honoring Hunger and Fullness. Experiential exercise to help you own Hunger and Fullness. You will receive coaching on eating healthily and discovering how to activate the relaxation response before eating via breathing and visualization. We help you feel peace of mind knowing how to eat well, relax, and be “bad at being good.”

Session 6. Overcome challenges and obstacles in healthy eating and weight loss. We help link pleasure and increase your motivation to achieve your health change goals. Experiential exercises help you visualize your new life via mind change rehearsal and weed out self-sabotage.

Session 7. Rebellious Inner Child Syndrome and Secrets To Burning More Fat. Learn how to celebrate healthy eating and identify with your inner self to nurture your continued growth. We help you align your life and create healthy habits to keep love, safety (personal/emotional), and belonging intact (these are the three basic human needs). Healthy eating combined with an exercise program is the foundation of weight loss, restoring health, and changing your life. The experiential exercise in this session will help you learn the secrets of burning more fat to lose weight and live a better life.

Session 8. Dig Deeper and an introduction of Life Coaching, Eating Healthy, and Supplements.

In this session, we help you understand the secrets to weight loss and burning off the extra fat stored in your body. This coaching session is where we dig deeper and introduce a part of life coaching into this session via helping you slow down and turn on the parasympathetic relaxation response. We help you identify negative messages you might be telling yourself and your body, understanding the sympathetic and parasympathetic response to health and life. The inside negative thoughts are self-inflicted violence imposed upon yourself. These thoughts  stop you from your success.

We will highly recommend you receive your DNA Supplement Assessment.

Your DNA Supplement Assessment connects the dots on what is missing in your diet, what is needed for your optimal health, diet, and exercise as it relates to your DNA? This checkup will cover your unique dietary needs, weight predispositions, metabolism, food response, exercise response and breaks down how your body uses its nutrients. Additionally, we will recommend a hormone blood test (Women and Men Test) to see how your hormones fluctuate.

If you are wondering why we recommend supplements in the eight sessions and not at the start of this coaching program, it is simple! Over the past ten years, we have found clients must be training on nutrition, have a mind shift, and first gain confidence & ownership of their health before adding supplementation to their daily diets. However, we will recommend our Her Slender Fat-Burning TeaFat Flush/Live Detox 30-Day Program, and Thermogenic Fat Burner, and Metabolic Booster/Increase Supplement.

Since this coaching session is about fat burning, nutrition, dieting, and weight loss, we will dig deeper into what needs to be nourished more in your life. The experiential exercise within this session will help you realign what is most important in your life. This session will dip into your Belief + Identity Change to fuel life-long positive Behavior and Habit Change.

Session 9. Your Personal Power, Diet and Lifestyle Change. We will help you own your power and take responsibility for your health and life. The Presence-Based and Habit Change exercises are where we help you find out where you store your personal power, how you unleash it, and how you use it to change your health and life? These experiential exercises will strengthen your connection to become the best version of yourself.

Session 10. Your Next Big Motivating Factor. Setting your New Journey is our goal for this coaching session. Learning Gratitude, What you appreciate and who appreciate you is a big factor in your change management and behavior modification. The experiential and growth exercise in this session is to acknowledge your life and behavior change. There is a saying, What Your Appreciate, Will Appreciate You, so we will help you sustain your growth by accepting regular practices of positive habits. Acknowledgment is where the “Rubber Meets the Road or Leveling Up” in our check-in session.

Session 11. The Health and Life Jump-Start. You will learn how to place your life on “cruise control” and eliminating the need to jumpstart your health change or life every time you hit a bump in the road of life. Completing A Health and Life Jump-start is done by taking a health and life inventory every 3, 6, 9, and 12 months. We know your life priorities will change over time; however, that doesn’t mean you should start over from the beginning each time you far back into old habits. Yes, there is a potential for you to fall back into old and negative patterns, but we will teach you how to adjust back to the life and healthy journey. The experiential exercise in the session will help you understand where you have a surplus in your life and take a Life Inventory. This assessment will help you learn what you need to nourish the most and help you spring back onto your success journey. Your journey is not just only inclusive in this 90-Day Health Transformation Program; it is for the continuation over years to come.

Session 12. Completion of The 90-Day Health Transformation Program. This celebration is all about you! We wish to thank you for completing this program. You are AMAZING! We want to help you continue your success by providing you resources to help maintain your health, life, and growth. Coaching session number 12 is your MOVE FORWARD session. We help you visualize your increased health, new life and help you realize how easy to continue the change in your positive beliefs, adjust your life change identity, and understand the Magic of YOU!



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